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Wir haben die Leistungsfähigkeit des Internets genutzt, indem wir verschiedene Anwendungen bereitgestellt und für Dienste zur Verfügung gestellt haben; Benutzer, Unternehmen, Partnerschaft und Ermächtigung für alle, unabhängig von Nationalität, Rasse, ethnischer Zugehörigkeit, Geschlecht, Qualifikation, Standort usw. Unsere Plattform ist Covid-19-konform


Willkommen bei Lekki phase1, Lagos.

Gehen Sie zu diesem Ort, ohne dorthin zu gehen, klicken Sie, um ihn zu erkunden. Wir haben Google Maps zu einem 2-Wege-Verkehr gemacht, falls Sie nicht gehen können, können Orte zu Ihnen kommen. Erleben Sie Orte in 7D. Wir haben die Orte, die Sie kennen, in einer digitalen Form neu erstellt, um sie interaktiv zu machen, indem wir Orte an Ihren Fingerspitzen platzieren.


Lekki Phase1, Lekki, Lagos

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Das Einkaufszentrum Palm, Victoria Island

TM Lewin, Boss, LuLu, Game, Shoprite, Levi's, Möbel von Lifemate, Coldstone, Celio, Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, Apple Store, MTN, Glo, Polo,

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Einkaufszentrum Ikeja City, Ikeja, Lagos

TM Lewin, Boss, LuLu, Game, Shoprite, Levi's, Möbel von Lifemate, Coldstone, Celio, Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, Apple Store, MTN, Glo, Polo,

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Maryland-Einkaufszentrum, Lagos

TM Lewin, Boss, LuLu, Game, Shoprite, Levi's, Möbel von Lifemate, Coldstone, Celio, Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, Apple Store, MTN, Glo, Polo,

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klcc main_edited.jpg

Suria, KLCC, Malaysia

Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Zara, Boss, Levi's, British India, Guess, ,, Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, Apple Store, MayBank, Polo usw

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automatisierte Unternehmen und Standorte in einem automatisierten Verzeichnis für einfaches Suchen, Finden, Interagieren und Abwickeln und schließlich Logistik.  Wir haben genommen  das Internet der Orte auf die nächste Ebene intelligenter wirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten.

Entwickler von Inhalten

Wir entwickeln, kaufen und verkaufen verschiedene Inhalte von verschiedenen Entwicklern. Für  Klarheit; Inhalte wie Fotos & Videos von Drohnenaufnahmen, VR-Aufnahmen, statische HD-Fotos, die mit professionellen Kameras oder Smartphone-Aufnahmen aufgenommen wurden. Wir schulen auch Leute darin, wie man als Unternehmen daran verdienen kann.


Menschen, die dieses neue Geschäft lernen und anderen beibringen können, sowie die notwendigen Fähigkeiten und die Ausrüstung, die erforderlich sind, um sich dieses neue Unternehmen zu verdienen und vor allem relevant zu bleiben. Hier bauen wir eine große Web-Community auf, um kommende Mentoren zu betreuen, und bauen außerdem eine starke F&E-Einheit/Team auf.


Wir sind bereit, mit verschiedenen Markenbotschaftern, Produkt-, Standort- und Geschäftsbotschaftern von Einzelpersonen oder Agenturen zusammenzuarbeiten. Wir schulen auch Einzelpersonen, Gruppen oder Organisationen darin, wie sie als Marken-, Produkt-, Standort-, Kundenbeziehungs- und Geschäftsvertreter werden und verdienen können.

digitale Agentur

Wir sind bereit, mit Callcentern zusammenzuarbeiten, die im Besitz von Organisationen, Einzelpersonen, Gemeinschaften oder ausländischen Einheiten sind oder von diesen betrieben werden, um unsere Verzeichnisdienste äußerst effizient zu machen. Wir sind auch bereit, Organisationen, Einzelpersonen, Gemeinschaften oder ausländische Einrichtungen darin zu schulen, wie sie mit diesem Unternehmen arbeiten und verdienen können.



Wir sind bereit, mit Disponenten und Kurieren zusammenzuarbeiten, um die Abholung und Lieferung bis zur letzten Meile für Benutzer auf unserer Plattform einfach zu machen. W kann auch mit Personen zusammenarbeiten, die Fahrräder, Autos, Lieferwagen, Lastwagen usw. besitzen. Wir haben auch ein Empowerment-Programm zu diesem Thema, bei dem Menschen Fahrräder und Menschen zur Verfügung stellen, um sie zu stärken, und wir sie befähigen.


Dies betrifft Regierungsbehörden, Ministerien, halbstaatliche Organisationen, Kommissionen, Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen  Organisationen, Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs), ausländische Organisationen usw., die die Plattform sponsern können, um zu wachsen oder Einzelpersonen zur Schulung und Befähigung zu empfehlen


Area Information icon (Info Box)

By clicking on this icon on themap when and where ever you seee it, it will dispaly information about the area or location. It tells you if the area is a commercial/business district, residential district, industrial layout/district and more. This icon will also display photo of the area/district to enable you identify them when you go there in actual reality. This includes historical events of that particular area if there is any.

Bus Stop icon

This icon is for bus stops. It will help you locate bus stops eaily e.g Lagos BRT and yellow buses. By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the picture of that bus stop with the option of interacting with the location or purchasing your bus ticket using the bus ticket booking app. .

Event center icon

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

School icon

This icon will help you identify location of schools limited to Creche, Nursery, Primary and secondary school. By clicking on this icon anywhere you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the school facade and an option to go in and interact with the schools products and services.

Hair Salon icon

Hair salon icon. This helps you identify the hair or nail studio nearest to you.

Restaurants icon

This icons represents restaurants and eateries. Anywere and anytime you find this icon on TheMap, it means that place is a restaurant/eatery. By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the restaurants'/eaterys' facade with the option of interacting with the location and purchasing their products and services.

Travels, Tours and Flight Ticketing Agency

This icon represnets Travels, Tours and  Flight Ticketing Agency. By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the shops/store facade of the business location with the option of interacting with the location and purchasing their products and services.

Private Taxi Stand icon

This icon helps you identify Taxi stands. By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the image of that Taxi stand showing you the vehicles available on ground. With this feature you have the option of interacting with the location, book a taxi with the booking app or call when you require their service..

Hotel Icon

This icon will help you find and identify hotels, motels, inns, guest houses and any type of lodging. By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the facade of the hotels, motels, inns, guest houses and any type of lodging on location with the option of interacting with the location and book for a stay or purchase any of their products and services.

Filling Station icon

By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the picture of that bus stop with the option of interacting with the location or purchasing your bus ticket using the bus ticket booking app. .

Shops icon

This icon helps you identify shops in their arious loaction, especially shops with no identifiable billbaords, signages and banner. This icon cuts across supermarkets, boutiques, grocery stores, chairn/departmental stores, books shops, gift shops, electronic/home appliance stores, wine shops and more. By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the shops/store facade with the option of interacting with the location and purchasing their products and services.

BRT Bus Station icon

This icon will help you eaily identify BRT Bus Stations Lagos wide. By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the facade of the BRT Bus Station on location with the option of interacting with the location and Purchasing a bus ticket or other products and services.

Properties To Let icon

By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the picture of that bus stop with the option of interacting with the location or purchasing your bus ticket using the bus ticket booking app. .

PublicToilet icon

This icon can help you find Public Toilers nearest to you. 

Barber Shop icon

This icon can help you find your favourite Barbers Shop or the one nearest to you. By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the image of store front of that Barbers shop. With this icon you have the option of interacting with the location, book a hair service session or call when you require their service..

Mall icon

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Office building icon

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Chinese restaurant icon

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Car rental service icon

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Cyber cafe icon

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Training center icon

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Painted Taxi Stand icon

By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the picture of that bus stop with the option of interacting with the location or purchasing your bus ticket using the bus ticket booking app. .

Night club icon

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Bar and Pubs icon

This icon will help you easily identify Bara and Pubs. By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the image of that Bar or pub. With con you have the option of interacting with the location and their service..

Hospital and Clinic icon

By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the image of that Taxi stand showing you the vehicles available on ground. With this feature you have the option of interacting with the location, book a taxi with the booking app or call when you require their service..

Coffee Shop icon

By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the image of that Taxi stand showing you the vehicles available on ground. With this feature you have the option of interacting with the location, book a taxi with the booking app or call when you require their service..

Salon Home Services

By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the image of that Taxi stand showing you the vehicles available on ground. With this feature you have the option of interacting with the location, book a taxi with the booking app or call when you require their service..

Phone charging point icon

By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the image of that Taxi stand showing you the vehicles available on ground. With this feature you have the option of interacting with the location, book a taxi with the booking app or call when you require their service..

Church icon

By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the picture of that bus stop with the option of interacting with the location or purchasing your bus ticket using the bus ticket booking app. .

Courier company icon

By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the picture of that bus stop with the option of interacting with the location or purchasing your bus ticket using the bus ticket booking app. .

Pharmacy icon

By clicking on this icon anywhere or anytime you find it on TheMap, it will pop open the picture of that bus stop with the option of interacting with the location or purchasing your bus ticket using the bus ticket booking app. .